
Industry Updates From SLA Regarding COVID-19 Virus

March 17th, 2020 • by Jennifer Meyers

Restrictions for Licensees in Response to COVID-19 Outbreak (Effective Monday, March 16, 2020, at 8:00PM (until Further Notice) Pursuant to the Governor’s order, effective Monday, March 16, 2020 at 8:00PM, all licensed on-premises establishments (e.g. restaurants, bars, taverns, clubs, arenas, catering establishments, etc.) must cease on-premises sales of alcoholic beverages and/or food.  Additionally, all licensed […]

Is CBD Legal in Beer in NYS?

May 1st, 2019 • by Paul Leone

A frequent question we get is, “can I use CBD in my beer?” The short answer is no…not yet. Below is more information that will give you the current reasons at this time. The 2018 Farm Bill changed the definition of marijuana which resulted in certain parts of the plant being removed from the controlled […]