Brewer’s Blog

Choosing Your Brewery/Beer Names and Trademark Searching

January 5th, 2015 • by Brendan Palfreyman

In my last blog post, The Importance of Trademark Registration for Breweries, I discussed the importance and benefits of obtaining federal trademark registrations for your brewery and important individual beer names. Now, we are going to talk about how a brewer should go about choosing, searching, and clearing brewery/beer names. First, a little background: there […]

Growth and Your Brewer’s Notice and NY Brewer’s License

December 29th, 2014 • by Wanda Wuest

Congratulations! Your craft brewery is doing well and you are poised for growth!  It is important to remember, however, that growth entails change and both TTB and the NY State Liquor Authority require that changes to any of the information contained in your original Brewer’s Notice and state license application be reported and, in many […]

Big Brewers and Private Equity Increase Their Stake in the Craft Movement

December 17th, 2014 • by John Moragne

As any member of the New York State Brewers Association will know, Americans may be drinking less beer, but when they do, craft beer is increasingly their choice.  The national Brewers Association’s data for 2013 (available here) show that while the overall beer market contracted by 1.9%, craft beer increased its market share to 7.8% with […]

The Challenges Ahead For Business Growth And Profitability

December 9th, 2014 • by Bill Madl

The craft beer market has exploded recently and will continue to grow well into the future. Without knowing what specific challenges each brewery faces, it is difficult to address a ‘general issue”. Suffice to say, your suppliers need to get closer to you, their customer, and ensure they are working diligently to help keep you […]

Growing Pains

December 3rd, 2014 • by Vince O'Brien

“Growing Pains”  As your business blossoms and demand for your products grow, you will, of necessity, consider moving from self-distribution to the use of full time beer distributors.  Because of New York’s beer distribution Franchise Protection Law, you will need to give very careful consideration to your distribution choices as you expand.  Once appointed, you […]

The Importance of Trademark Registration for Breweries

December 1st, 2014 • by Brendan Palfreyman

So you’ve got a brewery or you’re planning to start a brewery, what are the typical issues you worry about? Financing, federal and state licensing, recipe formulation, hop contracts, distribution, employees, mash pH, and a million other things. One issue that is frequently overlooked by both new and experienced brewers, however, is federal trademark registration. […]

How will you differentiate yourself?

November 25th, 2014 • by Ron Whipple

According to the Brewer’s Association, in 1994 there were less than 200 microbreweries in the US.  By the time 2012 rolled around there were over 1500.  In 2013 alone, 300 microbreweries opened nationally.  In 2011, New York State contained 75 microbreweries, and by 2013 was home to 165.  That is over a 200% increase in […]


November 19th, 2014 • by Brian Mahoney

On Friday, November 14, Governor Cuomo signed into law the Craft New York Act, and opened new growth opportunities for New York producers of beer, wine, spirits and cider. The Act, which becomes effective December 14, 2014, cuts restrictions on producers and establishes a $3 million marketing fund for the promotion of craft beverages and […]


November 14th, 2014 • by Rick Marx and Elaine Enfonde

Following up on our last blog post PART I – “TRICK OR TREAT?” — REGULATORY INSPECTIONS, we want to highlight key points for how you can prepare for a regulatory inspection. Identify Response Person or Team: The person(s) should be familiar with response procedures and facility policies as well as the operations subject to the inspection […]


October 20th, 2014 • by Rick Marx and Elaine Enfonde

Did you know that EPA and OSHA inspectors are “cross-trained” to identify the other agency’s potential regulatory concerns?  This is important because a client’s facility may have an OSHA inspection and, depending on the inspector’s observations, shortly thereafter the facility may also be the recipient of an EPA inspection or vice versa. In addition, these […]